David Daverio Home Page

About me and this website

A theoretical physics background, the luck of using a BlueGen in a far past, playing with hybrid computer when hybrid was a new word, passionate about perfomance vs ROI. I spearedlead general relativistic cosmological n-body simulation (with a computational focus, not a math guy), which made me look at very differennt level of systems from cache handling to large distribbuted problems, (never reach more than 30 pflops managing to reach 17% of system peak, which deserve a mention "good but can do better"). I now moved away from purely theoretical questioning to focus on pragmatical problems such as managing a 3 signa developers teams.

The jiberish blog part of this website has the objective to share what I think "with my ituition" about some topics, its not back by any proper data and only reflect my interpretation of reality.

The studies part of this website aims to analyse given problems from data and data only, there interpatation is assimilated to the devil. The objective is to present analysis which are as much as possible model independant and purely based on data analytics